S-NPP ATMS returned to operations: All S-NPP ATMS data meet mission specifications and are suitable for operational use, effective 0000 UTC Jan. 31, 2025.
Previous ESPC Notification:The ATMS instrument on the S-NPP satellite was placed in Safe Hold at 1630 UTC on November 19, 2024 and will be offline until further notice. CLASS has restricted the forward stream of ATMS data and products effective 11/19/2024. For complete details on the outage, please see the ESPC Notification.
You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting ESPCOperations@noaa.gov
GOES-19 ABI L1b radiance data and ABI L2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery (CMI) products have been declared Provisional Validation maturity and are now available under the GOES-R Series ABI Products search page. Many more GOES-19 products will achieve Provisional Validation in the coming weeks.
Jason-3 will change its orbit to join Sentinel6-MF for a new tandem phase. A series of maneuvers will be executed, beginning January 7, 2025, ending by the end of January or early February 2025, depending on efficiency of preceding maneuvers. During the move, Poseidon3B will be put in standby mode, so there will be no mission and no data.
For complete details on the outage, please see the ESPC Notification.
You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting ESPCOperations@noaa.gov
Operations recovered the S-NPP spacecraft to a valid geolocation state at ~17:20 UTC on November 6, 2024. The forward ingest stream has been set to unrestricted in CLASS on 11/8/24 by 21:30 UTC. Data from 11/2/24 2215 UTC through 11/6/24 17:20 UTC will not be available.
You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting ESPCOperations@noaa.gov
Geolocation for the S-NPP spacecraft entered a degraded state starting with the observation time of 2244 UTC on September 24, 2024. Operations was able to recover the S-NPP spacecraft to a valid geolocation state at 1634 UTC on September 27, 2024. Cal/Val teams have confirmed that all S-NPP Science products are meeting mission specifications and ready for operational use.
All S-NPP Science products were enabled on PDA OPS after 1930 UTC on September 30, 2024 and are being ingested by CLASS.
Please click here for details of the event.
FNMOC has been sending all DMSP EDR, SDR, and TDR products since late 9/18/24 to ESPC and PDA is distributing. TDUP products started flowing 9/23/24. The data from the outage 9/11/24 to 9/18/24 is considered lost.
You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting ESPCOperations@noaa.gov
Satellite Operations was able to recover the S-NPP spacecraft to a valid GPS timing and geolocation state and S-NPP Science products have been enabled per Cal/Val teams. Products are available in CLASS as of July 18, 2024 ~1630 UTC observation time.
The S-NPP data from 7/9/24-7/18/24 16:30 UTC will not be recoverable.
Please click here for the details of the event.
If you have any questions or need assistance please submit an email to CLASS Help Desk.
The new CLASS website and dissemination URLs are now active and the legacy URLs are no longer valid, except the old CLASS website URL will redirect users to the new URL for some time. See changes below.
The new ftp login user id changed from "anonymous" to "ftp" followed by any set of password characters defined by the user. These changes are in accordance with the transfer rules established within the AWS Transfer Family.
Old CLASS website URL | New CLASS website URL |
https://www.avl.class.noaa.gov | https://www.aev.class.noaa.gov |
Note: www.class.noaa.gov will continue to work
If you have any questions or need assistance please submit an email to CLASS Help Desk.
Now available! The reprocessed Sensor Data Records (SDR) for all instruments flown on S-NPP and reprocessed Temperature Data Records (TDR) for the ATMS instrument flown on S-NPP is now accessible via the CLASS web ordering system. The reprocessed data is located under their own data families listed on the drop down product menu. The date range which covers the reprocessing period for each instrument is:
The operational data received after the reprocessed date ranges uses the latest version of the reprocessing algorithm.
For easy access to the most recent JPSS global daily tar files please go to ftp://ftp-data.class.noaa.gov/JPSS/ or https://data.class.noaa.gov/JPSS/.
Also, be sure to review the maturity Readmes for any data issues and caveats on the STAR JPSS Algorithm Maturity Matrix website at https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/jpss/AlgorithmMaturity.php.
Please click on the following link to get step by step instructions on how to use CLASS to search and order data: https://www.aev.class.noaa.gov/notification/pdfs/CLASS%20Data%20Access%20Tutorial_042015.pdf..
If you have any questions or need assistance please submit an email to CLASS Help Desk.