Data Description
JPSS Sounder Products (JPSS_SND) -
Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) and Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) sensor data records and intermediate products from the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) have been used to generate these Level 2 granule sounding products. The Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS) ATMS precipitation and surface product, or imaging (IMG) products file, contains total precipitable water (TPW), skin temperature, emissivity by channel, rain rate, cloud liquid water (CLW), rain water path (RWP), ice water path (IWP), liquid water path (LWP), sea ice concentration, snow water equivalent (SWE), snow cover extent, and surface type classification. The MIRS ATMS sounding (SND) products file contains temperature and water vapor profiles at 850, 900 and 950 millibars. Quality control metrics and flags defining retrieval product quality are also provided in the MIRS output. The NOAA-Unique CrIS-ATMS Processing System (NUCAPS) produces Cloud-Cleared Radiances (CCRs) from CrIS observations that are co-located with ATMS. The EDR product consists of retrieved estimates of hydrological variables including temperature, water vapor, cloud fraction and cloud top pressure, along with trace gas retrievals including ozone (O3), methane (CH4), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (N2O), and nitric acid (HNO3), and a flag indicating the presence of dust and volcanic emissions. These archived products are distributed in the native 32-second granularity in netCDF-4 file format with metadata attributes included. Please expand "Details - Metadata, Documentation" section below for more details. Individual product (Datatype) description, documentation, and possible bulk access options are available under the "Product Details" link.
Details - Metadata, Documentation
Begin Date | 2014-04-07 |
Platforms | NOAA-21, NOAA-20, S-NPP |
Spatial Coverage | Global |
Processing Level | NOAA Level 2 |
Data Producer | NOAA / NESDIS / OSPO |
Themes | See Product Details Link |
Metadata | See Product Details |
End Date | Present |
Instruments | CRIS > Cross-track Infrared Sounder |
Spatial Resolution | 10 km - 50 km |
Distribution Format | NetCDF-4 |
Data Steward | NOAA / NESDIS / NCEI |
Update Frequency | asNeeded |
(Posted 03/15/2021) - The operational NUCAPS CO2 EDR available currently through CLASS is of beta maturity and should not be used by users/subscribers for research purposes. NOAA anticipates operational implementation of CO2 EDR validated maturity product by May 2021 and users/subscribers will be notified once the validated CO2 EDR product becomes available through CLASS. The CO2 EDR validated maturity product has significant improvements and meets all of the JPSS product requirements and product validation criteria demonstrated through a hierarchy of validation data sets. Also, please note that NOAA is also preparing for JPSS Mission-long reprocessing of S-NPP/NOAA-20 NUCAPS products using the most recent NUCAPS algorithm that is of validated maturity. These reprocessed datasets will become available in the future. (Posted 04/24/2018) In September 2017, the CLASS 'S-NPP Data Exploitation Granule Data (NDE_L2)' and 'S-NPP Data Exploitation Daily (NDE_DAILY)' data family names were changed to 'JPSS Sounder Products (JPSS_SND)' and 'JPSS VIIRS Products (Non-Granule) (JPSS_NGRN)' respectively. Users who pull this data from the NDE FTP download area should note that the 'NDE-DAILY/' and 'NDE-L2/' FTP directory folder names will change to match the web page changes on (or around) May 16, 2018. The new FTP folder names for these products will be named 'JPSS-SND/' and 'JPSS-NGRN/'. Also note that the VIIRS Active Fires EDR data that was previously located NDE-L2/ FTP folder, will be moved to the JPSS-GRAN/ FTP folder. Users with scripts or automated downloads should adjust accordingly. (Posted 3/13/2018) Please note: Beginning on April 11, 2018 many of the datatypes below will begin flowing into CLASS as roughly 10 minute TAR files to allow for easier access to the data since the order limits are restricted by file counts. Each TAR file will contain several granules. Please plan accordingly. (Posted 12/06/2017) Daily tar files of the products for the most recent 90 days are available via anonymous FTP download at (Posted 12/06/2017) For the initial data ingest, there is a known problem that results in a small percentage of daily MIRS and NUCAPS granules not being archived. Because of this, the CLASS archive may yield gaps or missing granules in temporal and spatial searches for these products. This problem is expected to be corrected by June 2014. It is not possible for the data that was not archived to be retrospectively added to back-fill these missing granules.