National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Department of Commerce

Search - GOSAT-GW

Data Description

    Global Observation Satellite for Greenhouse Gases and Water Cycle (GOSAT-GW) - The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-3 (AMSR-3) onboard Japan's Global Observation Satellite for Greenhouse gases and Water cycle (GOSAT-GW) is a mult-purpose microwave imager acquiring observations in the 6.9 GHz to 89 GHz range. AMSR-3 data products include sea-ice coverage, snow coverage, snow water equivalence, and Water Vapor data. The GOSAT-GW data family provides GOSAT-GW diary and telemetry data and AMSR-3 mission data and telemetry files. The data are produced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and are distributed by the Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (CLASS). Expand the "Details - Metadata, Documentation" section below for more details. Individual product (Datatype) descriptions, documentation, and possible bulk access options are available under the "Product Details" link.

Details - Metadata, Documentation


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