Data Description
GOES Satellite Data - Sounder -
The GOES Sounder measures emitted radiation in 18 thermal infrared bands that are sensitive to temperature, moisture, and ozone, and reflected solar radiation in one visible band. The "footprint" or spatial resolution of the Earth sampling is 8 km with 13 bit data
transmitted to the GOES receiving facilities. The Sounder data for one sounding has been extracted out of the GVAR data stream and stored in McIDAS Area format. Data distribution formats available are raw, AREA, NetCDF, GIF, and JPEG.
Details - Metadata, Documentation
Begin Date | 1994-08-31 |
Platforms | GOES-8, GOES-9, GOES-10 GOES-11, GOES-12, GOES-13, GOES-14, GOES-15 |
Spatial Coverage | Geographic Region > Western Hemisphere, Continent > North America |
Processing Level | NOAA Level 2 |
Data Producer | NOAA / NESDIS / OSPO |
Themes | See Product Metadata |
Metadata | See Product Details |
GOES Transmission Format | GVAR Transmission Format |
End Date | Present |
Instruments | GOES I-M Sounder, GOES N-P Sounder |
Spatial Resolution | 8 Kilometer |
Distribution Format | raw, AREA, NetCDF, GIF, JPEG |
Data Steward | NOAA / NESDIS / NCEI |
Update Frequency | asNeeded |
GOES Instrument Status | GOES Instrument Status |
05/01/20 - GOES-15 was decommissioned on March 2, 2020, being replaced by GOES-17 as the operational GOES-West satellite. Please go to the GRABIPRD search page to search and order recent GOES terrestrial data and products. Most of the level 2 products are available, as well. 01/02/18 - The archive of GOES-13 satellite data and derived products ended on January 2, 2018. The replacement for GOES-13, also known as GOES-East, is GOES-16. Please go to the GOES-R Series ABI Products GRABIPRD Search page to order selected GOES-16 data. Only the ABI L1b Radiance data and L2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery products are public at this time. The remainder of the GOES-16 products will be released later this year.