(11/17/2022) - The EXIS-L1b-SFEU and EXIS-L1b-SFXR products for GOES-18 are publicly available as of Nov. 17, 2022. Data from July 18, 2022 (for GOES-18) are at the "Provisional Validation" level. Please see the README files for details. The README files explain appropriate usage and caveats for the data, and these data should NOT be used scientifically without first examining the information in these README files.
(12/30/2019) - The EXIS-L1b-SFEU products from GOES-16 and GOES-17 are publicly available as of Dec. 10, 2019. Data from March 8, 2017 (for GOES-16) and June 6, 2018 (for GOES-17), to present, are at the "Provisional Validation" level. Please see the README files for details. The README files explain appropriate usage and caveats for the data, and these data should NOT be used scientifically without first examining the information in these README files.
(5/13/2019) - The EXIS-L1b-SFXR product from GOES-17 is publicly available as of April 24, 2019. Data from June 27, 2018 to present are at the "Provisional Validation" level. Please see the README files for details. The README files explain appropriate usage and caveats for the data, and these data should NOT be used scientifically without first examining the information in these README files.
Aggregated daily versions of the granular data available in CLASS are available through the NCEI GOES-R Space Weather Site (https://ngdc.noaa.gov/stp/satellite/goes-r.html). Please contact at goesr.exis@noaa.gov.
Product Documentation is available at http://www.goes-r.gov/resources/docs.html.
For questions first check the FAQ, otherwise please contact CLASS Help Desk at class.help@noaa.gov.