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Data DescriptionOMPS Reprocessed SDR Products (RPOMPSSDR) - The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) tracks the health of the ozone layer and measures the concentration of ozone in the Earth's atmosphere. Level-1b Sensor Data Records (SDRs) from OMPS are the calibrated and geolocated radiance and reflectance data produced from OMPS Raw Data Records. This data family includes a reprocessed OMPS Nadir Profile Science SDR, a reprocessed OMPS Nadir Total Column Science SDR and reprocessed OMPS geolocation and calibration SDRs from Suomi NPP. The Nadir Profiler Science SDR provides vertical column radiance measurements detected with the Nadir Profiler at a spatial resolution of 250 km. The Nadir Total Column Science SDR provides total column radiance measurements detected with the Nadir Mapper at a spatial resolution of 50 km. The reprocessing generated consistent Level-1 SDRs using unified and consistent calibration algorithms that removed artificial jumps in data caused by operational changes, instrument anomalies, contamination from anomaly views of the environment or spacecraft, and other causes. The reprocessed sensor data records were compared with and validated against other observations whenever such data were available. This data family includes two reprocessed data versions (RP1 and RP2). These SDRs provide key input for the production of several Environmental Data Records (EDR). Reprocessed OMPS SDR data obtained from the NOAA Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (CLASS) are distributed as aggregated 102 minute files consisting of 163 granules in the Hierarchical Data Format v.5 (HDF5) with metadata attributes included. See the 'Details - Metadata, Documentation' section below for additional information. Collection landing pages for the products included in this family can be accessed via the "Product Details" link.